The Masjid remains open from Fajr to Esha.
The daily five time salah (prayer) are lead by the Imam in accordance with the Daily Iqamah Timings.
Two separate Jummah (Friday) salah services are arranged to alleviate parking congestion in accordance with Friday Salah Timings.
During Ramadan Taraweeh prayers are held following the Esha salah. Community Iftars are also arranged during Ramadan.
Three separate Salatul Eidan services are arranged for the convenience of our community.
Salatul Janaza (Funeral prayers) services are provided. Khatamul Quran and Du’a services for the benefit of the deceased are arranged at the request of the family and friend of the deceased.
Nikah Services are provided for residents of the local community in the masjid or off site.
Darse Quran (Tafseer/Explanation) and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) sessions are held on a weekly basis.
Guest speakers are invited to deliver lecture on current issues facing our community. Such events are announced to the community via email, during Friday salah and on this website.
Friday after Isha: Lessons from The Majestic Qur’an (45 minutes)
Bi-Weekly Youth Program on Sundays at 05:00 PM Live via Facebook and Zoom (45 minutes) | Topics: College Life, Friendships, and Living in a Melting pot
Sunday after Isha: Remembrance of Allah, The Majestic | Zikr Session